
I choose innovation

“I need to constantly innovate, that’s what truly drives me. I think we can always improve. Innovation for me means putting in place simple and intelligent processes, that aim at constant improvement of our products and results.

I chose the Nunhems Foundation variety because I always want to improve the quality of our production, as to satisfy the desires of our customers. Foundation fits this idea of innovation perfectly, because the fruits are unlike anything that could be found on the market before. The plants give beautiful fruits of medium size and the taste is much appreciated by the consumers. Moreover, Foundation has a good production potential. Having a zero residue goal, the resistant plant Foundation also fits perfectly into the tomato range that I can grow.

BASF Vegetable Seeds fuels my need for innovation in other ways too. Through my contact Harm, I get introduced to many other passionate entrepreneurs. Exchanging knowledge and ideas with growers from all over the world is very enriching and constructive. Since tomato producers are generally very innovative, sharing pushes us to redefine our processes and standards. Just that makes working with BASF Vegetable Seeds specialists very interesting. I believe there is a real will to help, without imposing, so that the producers feel invested in the adventure and keep innovating.”

Julien Stoll

Stoll Productions SA (Yverdon-les-Bains, Switzerland)