United Kingdom


Iceberg NUN00361*: a solution for powerful results

Meet NUN00361: the iceberg lettuce that ensures results that speak for themselves. Our robust NUN00361 combines strength and stability for a reliable harvest, even under challenging conditions.

By choosing NUN00361, you’re assured of:

  • Complete resistance to the latest Bremia races BI: 29-41 EU;
  • A variety highly tolerant to red rib, tipburn, and other growing risks;
  • A large head size with high yield potential;
  • Uniform growth with a good balance between wrapper leaves and head;
  • Adaptability to challenging growing conditions.

NUN00361 is the ideal choice for growers aiming for a large final yield without compromising on quality or reliability. With strong disease resistance, a sturdy structure, and excellent adaptability in demanding conditions, NUN00361 guarantees a firm, large, and dependable harvest. Perfect for both the fresh market and processing. Choose powerful results with NUN00361:a solution for powerful results.

* Pending listing on the EU variety list for vegetable crops.