Results: 8

6 June 2024

Extremely high production in data-driven cucumber greenhouse BASF 's Gravenzande

Nunhem, 26 September 2022 - On 16 November 2021, the first high-wire cucumber crop was planted in the data-driven greenhouse of BASF's vegetable seed business in 's Gravenzande. The greenhouse was equipped with about 340 umol LED lights from Signify. The second and third crops were planted on 2 March 2022 and 15 June 2022, respectively.
22 December 2022

Enza Zaden and BASF cooperate to increase innovation power

Cross license agreement to speed up the development of improved vegetable varieties
22 December 2022

BASF’s vegetable seeds business organizes five Nunhems demos in week 39 in the Netherlands

22 December 2022

BASF develops seed variety for the first tearless onion entering the European market

22 December 2022

BASF and Syngenta join forces with Arisa to address labor standards in the vegetable seeds sector in India

BASF and Syngenta joined hands in a multistakeholder collaboration called Wage Improvements in Seed Hybrids (WISH). During the next four years, the companies will collaborate with Arisa, an independent non-governmental organization focused on defending human rights in South Asia. The project’s scope targets 28 villages and around 500 suppliers in the states of Maharashtra and Karnataka.