
Rehaan - The Mini-Seeded Watermelon is a Big Hit!

Watermelons are sown in January-February and harvested in March-June in Northern parts of India. Some hybrids lose their shape and size if fruiting starts in low temperature. But in Central and Southern India watermelons are grown almost round the year because severe winter is never encountered in this part of the country. In post rainy and winter season, which is also known as off-season in Central and Southern India, all watermelon hybrids don’t perform well. With Rehaan, Nunhems brings you a new variety of watermelon in the mini-seeded segment which relieves the stress of North Indian early watermelon farmers and gives them the best quality fruits with perfect shape and size. Farmers from Central and Southern India can now grow high quality watermelon crops even during the off-season.

Since Rehaan showed immense potential during the off-season; in no time it became every trader’s preferred choice. To farmers, Rehaan offers high yield, uniform shape and size of 4-4.5 kgs, natural deep red flesh colour, crispy flesh, sweet taste, single harvesting window resulting in lower labour & maintenance cost. All these factors help farmers to sell the produce instantly in the market. The traders' benefit from its superior transportability as the freshness of fruits remain intact. 

Customers love Rehaan because of its freshness, dark red & crispy flesh, and its juicy and deliciously sweet taste which is simply mouthwatering!