


Nunhems has been a market leader in the big sized Jubilee segment of watermelon. Nunhems team observed that farmers were highly dissatisfied with high plant mortality, inferior shipping and lack of fruit uniformity leading to less return on investments. This led Nunhems to rigorous tests and experiments to find an alternative solution. Enormous investments were made in R&D along with collaboration with both local and global teams to create special variety of watermelon to address the ongoing challenges.  

Intensive study and analysis of the data collected over the years through trials in the real world paved the way to develop a new variety which was given to some progressive farmers across the country to test out in real-time. The sales specialists of Nunhems would then visit their fields and monitor the daily progress. And gradually, the results started pouring in from all over the nation.  

The verdict The variety was unanimously loved by farmers everywhere!  

MaxX – a Mini Seeded variety in watermelon was thus, introduced. Through the trials, we observed that the growers liked and preferred our produce. Traders wanted to sell our produce over the others. MaxX had successfully managed to alter the markets. 

In no time, MaxX became a market leader in the mini-seed segment of India. This was not only because of its aroma, excellent uniformity, healthy plants, delicious taste and deep red crispy flesh but also due to its premium shipping and storability qualities. This variety of watermelon could be shipped from Bengaluru to Kashmir and the recipients without fail would enjoy farm-fresh fruit. It became such a massive hit that it began to get shipped overseas, with countries such as UAE paying higher prices just to be able to relish this uniquely delicious variety of watermelon! 

MaxX offers high yield to the growers while the traders benefit from its superior transportability. Traders have witnessed its high potential and have become the true pillars of strength of the growers. They have, time and again, said to the growers – “Grow MaxX watermelon as much as you want, as much as you can. We will be there to buy your produce, every time”.