
Meet the Trailblazer Cucumber Variety – Ensure

Nunhems launches India’s tastiest pickling cucumber variety – Ensure.

Engineered after performing extensive market research and studying the needs of the farmers and Processors; Ensure brings a revolutionary pickling cucumber variety to the table. What makes the cucumber variety, Ensure, stand out? Farmers across the growing geography reached out with glowing feedback. And below are three of the highly appreciated qualities of Ensure as stated by every farmer:

1.  Optimum vigour with short internodes.

2.  Profuse bearing with negligible fruit abortions.

3.  High yield.

Farmers who cultivated Ensure appreciated the variety for its excellent yield and its ability to overcome following major challenges:

1.  The crop displayed stunning disease resistance against certain viruses, resulting in outstanding yield with excellent fruit quality.

2.  Showed noteworthy longevity, which meant that its endurance is also amazing.

3.  The Ensure plant is doctored to have a slight openness. This facilitates increased aeration, helping to better circulate nutrients inside the plant.


At a recent Processor’s Meet Anubandh held in Bangalore in Oct’21 with market experts, the following features of Ensure were brought to light:

1.  Uniform, cylindrical fruits

2.  Striking green colour which is eye-catching and much loved by the customers.

Through these noteworthy responses it is easy to understand what makes Ensure, the latest pickling cucumber variety, such a massive hit!