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A solution for all


Iceberg, A solution for all

Iceberg lettuce — they’re available in all shapes and sizes. It’s a product you can always rely on. As part of almost any meal, there’s practically no other vegetable with such broad versatility. And that’s a good thing. Because as diverse as iceberg lettuce is, so are the growing conditions and needs of our growers and processors.

That’s exactly why we offer a wide assortment of iceberg lettuce varieties. This way, there’s always an iceberg lettuce that perfectly matches your requirements. Whether you need resilience in challenging conditions, high quality, or a flexible harvest window—our varieties are developed to excel in every situation. Each one increases productivity and guarantees a uniform, healthy harvest. We provide a solution that gives the entire chain maximum security and flexibility, no matter your specific growing circumstances.

That is why growers and processors around the world choose BASF | Nunhems iceberg lettuce — A Solution for All.

Exceptional resistance to Bremia races BI: 29-41 EU

Our two newest varieties, NUN00367 and NUN00361*, are resistant to the latest Bremia races BI: 29-41 EU and highly tolerant to red rib, tipburn, and other growing risks. This way, we minimize the impact of diseases on your harvest, ensuring you can always count on a reliable, high-quality, and abundant yield. We continuously develop our varieties with your needs in mind. Learn more here:

* Pending listing on the EU variety list for vegetable crops.

Discover all our iceberg lettuce varieties

Curious which variety best suits your unique conditions? Get in touch with our sales specialists

Guus van Bree
Sales Specialist Leek, Spinach Fresh
Sabrina Houben
Sales Specialist Lettuce, Leek