4,400 Farmers in East Amhara and Tigray to receive high-quality seeds to produce 15 million kg of onions as part of SNV’s Farmer Field Schools in Conflict Recovery Program
- BASF’s vegetable seeds business to provide high quality red onion seeds to SNV-Netherlands Development Organisation in Ethiopia.
- SNV to distribute the seeds to 4,400 smallholders in conflict affected areas in Tigray and East Amhara through its Horti-LIFE program that works with Ministry of Agriculture on establishing Farmer Field Schools (FFS).
Addis Ababa, 14 June 2023 – Today BASF has handed over to SNV high quality onion seeds to support smallholder farmers in conflict and drought affected areas. The seeds will be distributed to 4,400 smallholder farmers in Ethiopian regions Tigray and East Amhara who participate in its Farmer Field Schools (FFS) program. Each participating family will receive seeds for 0.1 hectare of onions allowing them to restart production in the conflict and drought affected areas. The produce will be for home consumption, as well as allow farming families to restart their livelihoods. The collaboration between SNV and BASF will enable the farmers to produce in total 15 million kilograms of onions thereby increasing the supply to local rural markets.
To make this happen, BASF is offering Nunhems® Santire F1 onion seeds to SNV Ethiopia who will distribute the seeds free of charge to farmers in Tigray and East Amhara. On top of offering the seeds, BASF, as part of its social engagement, has doubled its efforts by donating the same amount of seeds for free to the SNV Farmer Field School program.

Ben Depraetere handing over the seeds to SNV Netherlands Development Organisation