


Farmer Success Stories

Let's hear from our growers!

Pentagonal Green Thin

Variety Earliness Disease Resistance Yield Plant Height, Internodal Distance Longevity Pod Color Spines
Singham* Medium Early IR to BYVMV & OELCV High Tall vigorous with  Medium Internodal distance Good Attractive Dark green Medium
Shivansh Early R to OELCV & IR to BYVMV  High Dwarf, Short Internodal Distance Good Glossy Dark green Less
Sarvottam Extra Early R to BYVMV & IR to OELCV  Good Medium Tall, Medium Internodal Distance Medium Dark Green Less
Selvam Medium Early R to BYVMV & IR to OELCV  High Medium Tall, Medium Internodal Distance Good Dark Green Less
Samrat Early IR to BYVMV Good Medium Tall, Medium Internodal Distance Medium Dark Green Medium
Sirmour Extra Early ` Good Medium Tall, Medium Internodal Distance Medium Dark Green Less
Shikhar Early IR to OELCV Good Medium Tall, Medium Internodal Distance Medium Dark Green Medium
Shakti Medium Early ` High Tall, Medium Internodal Distance Good Dark Green Medium
US 7109 Extra Early  ` Good Medium Tall, Medium Internodal Distance Medium Dark Green Less

* - Connect with local Nunhems representative for additional information

IR - Intermediate Resistant

MR - Medium Resistant

HR - High Resistant

S - Susceptible 

BYVMV - Bhendi Yellow Vein Mosaic Virus

OELCV - Okra  Enation Leaf Curl Virus

YVMV - Yellow Vein Mosaic Virus

ELCV - Enation Leaf Curl Virus